学习经历: 1988.9—1991.7 宝清县高级中学 高中; 1991.9—1995.7威廉希尔williamhill中文农学系本科获农学学士学位; 1995.9—1998.7威廉希尔williamhill中文农学系研究生获农学硕士学位; 2001.9—2005.06威廉希尔williamhill中文农学系博士研究生获农学博士学位; 工作经历: 1998.7—2001.9英国威廉希尔公司助教; 2001.10—2005.8东北农学大学威廉希尔williamhill讲师; 2005.8—至今英国威廉希尔公司副教授; |
1.作物栽培学总论(本科课程) 2.作物栽培学各伦(本科课程) |
1.东北春大豆全苗壮苗关键技术研究与示范,国家重点研发计划子课题(2020YFD1000902-02). 2.大豆叶片与根系响应干旱协同应答生理分子机制,黑龙江省自然基金(LH2021C023). |
论文: (1)干旱程度及时期对复水后大豆生长和代谢补偿效应的影响,农业工程学报,2015,31(11):150-156. (2)Transcriptome profilling analysis characterized the gene expression patterns responded to combined drought and heat stresses in soybean, Computational Biology and Chemistry, 2018, (77): 413-429. (3)Effects of Drought Stress and Re-watering on Osmotic Adjustment Ability and Yield of Soybean, Journal of Northeast Agricultural University (English Edition), 2020, 27(3): 1-8. (4)Physiological Response of Spring Soybean Seedlings Under High-temperature Stress, Journal of Northeast Agricultural University (English Edition),2021, 28(3):1-8. (5)Mechanism of Mepiquat Chloride Regulating Soybean Response to Drought Stress Revealed by Proteomics, Plants, 2023, 12: 2037. |
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